5 Things Every Catholic Should Know About Spiritual Warfare

They don’t teach you this at Sunday school.

Youth DIVE
7 min readFeb 15, 2022
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The subject of Spiritual Warfare is one that isn’t discussed a lot among Catholics — especially in the West. Most lay Catholics fall into one of two very broad categories:

  1. Those who are fine with just being Catholics and working to be holier every day, and
  2. Those who are obsessed with Catholic theology and tradition.

Very few Catholics think about how psychology, science, politics, angelology, and other religions affect the way we as Catholics live out our Catholicism.

For instance, simply knowing that it is normal to feel awkward in a restaurant when making the sign of the cross to say Grace before Meal will make it easier for you to say your prayer. Just knowing how your mind works in this situation gives you an advantage over the Catholic who doesn’t know this.

I’ve seen Catholics come up with several reasons why it’s not necessary to make the sign of the cross before saying your prayers at a restaurant simply because they’re afraid they might be looked at weirdly, or that they might make someone else feel uncomfortable. But the reality is that they are simply denying their faith and Christ in one of the places where it matters the most.

