How the Holy Spirit Threatened My Life

The story of how my teaching ministry began

The Teacher
4 min readMay 5, 2022
Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

I became very active in the teaching ministry in 2017. Having this gift to explain complicated or nuanced topics in simple terms, I felt called to use my gift to spread the faith.

But this wasn’t my first attempt at starting my ministry in the way it is today. In 2014, I tried to become more vocal about the promptings of the Holy Spirit in my soul. Back then, I found myself in many situations where I strongly felt that I needed to say or do something.

The problem was that I lacked the courage to speak. Courage, I would later realise, was something I also needed to pray for. For some reason, my gifts didn’t come in the “Apostolic Bundle” that hit the disciples of Christ on Pentecost Day. Hehe.

After receiving the sacrament of confirmation in 2015, I felt this unquenchable urge in me to speak. I still didn’t have all the courage I needed to launch headfirst into this ministry, but the fire within me was so unbearable that I felt I had to let it out.

It reminded me of this part of the scriptures:

“If I say, ‘I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,’ there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.”

